public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags library & jQuery



A jQuery plugin that gives users real time hints & progress updates as they complete forms



A nifty graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery


by 4 others
A lightweight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library


jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web

by 12 others
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important js user-interface components. It defines itself as THE web js UI library, and explains that "do you really need drag-and-drop, resizable windows or sortable tables in your web applications? Websites are not desktop applications. They are different.". Just a pinch at jQuery UI ?

jOWL - semantic javascript library

by 1 other
jOWL is a jQuery plugin for navigating and visualising OWL-RDFS documents.

phpquery - Google Code

phpQuery is PHP CS3 selector "à la jQuery". Its selectors capacities are a raw port of jquery's ones, and it adds several useful functionalities: multi document support, cross domain ajax (secured with a developper moderated white list), etc.

Datejs - A JavaScript Date Library » About…

by 11 others
A comprehensive javascript date library. A large panel of syntaxes are supported ("today", "next thursday", "last june", "2009/12/28", "2009/28/11é, etc.


flot - Google Code

by 15 others
Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side.


by 4 others
jTagEditor is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to turn any textarea tag into a quick tag editor in an unobtrusive manner. This plugin is easy to use and fully customizable (Styles, Tagset and behaviours).